Thursday, September 15, 2011

BOOK REVIEW: Standing Naked at 10 Below By: Todd Edwards Ed.S

Standing Naked At 10 Below

By: Todd Edwards 

Link to Book Site 

The informative, concise and professional information Mr. Edwards provides regarding PR and how to market yourself is wonderful.  I found it very easy to understand and inspirational.  I think for most of us at one point in our lives we have an idea or dream we wish to turn into a reality, but are often deterred by the "helpless" and "exposed" feeling of not knowing where to start and most importantly how to get our idea or product out there in the public eye.  Not only does the author provide priceless information about how to tackle these issues that sometimes hold us back, but also includes countless numbers of explanations, examples and links to help you.  For me I can honestly say that this book has not only increased my confidence in marketing myself, but has changed my life due to the invaluable info I will take with me in every future endeavor.
I must also mention that Standing Naked At 10 Below has earned the title of Amazon's #2 Best Selling Advertising Book!

© 2011 Tara Brugh
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

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